Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Beacon Green Featured in 2013 NW Green Home Tour

360 Panorama view from the roof deck
Beacon Green, our first Courtyard Townhouse project, will be featured in the NW Green Home Tour.  The tour is this Saturday - April 27th - 11 am to 5 pm.  Project address is 1734 13th Ave S.  Tours are open to all, you just show up & join in.

Street View

The project is just finishing up with the framing, but it'll be complete enough that you can walk through the floors & see the shared courtyard and the view from the roof decks.

View of the shared central courtyard

The Seattle smart car dealership will be bringing out one of their Smart for Two models to help show the unit that will be sold with a smart car included.

For more detail about the 2013 NW Green Home Tour - See

For more detail about the units for sale & project features, see

Tour: Saturday - April 27th - 11 am to 5 pm.  Project address 1734 13th Ave S

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Home of the Month

The Walsh Hollon Residence is featured in the May issue of NW Home.  The article is here. There will be a public open house on May 19th.  Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Corner Two Houses

The city is studying new legislation to regulate development on small single family infill lots.  Thus far the discussion has centered around neighborhood groups proposals to dramatically limit the size of such projects, and developers attempts to create new rules that would dramatically increase the number of potential sites for such projects.  Jim Burton and I have an opinion piece in Crosscut today laying out a new idea that we hope can address the concerns of both camps while providing infill that actually improves the fabric of neighborhoods.